Monday’s Musings: My History in Worldbuilding

First off, you might notice that I added a Monday’s Musings tav to the index bar. The Monday’s Musings ‘column’ wil be its own page which will be internally indexed since wordpress (at least its free version) doesn’t like using crosspage id tags in its menu links. However I will have a link at the bottom of my posts for the related musing.
The first post within the new page will be a simple history of my own worldbuilding, from the different worlds I’ve started and how Tellerias become my primary project (even if it has been gutted a few times in the process).

Nov 30th: My History in Worldbuilding.

Monday’s Musings: And We’re Off…Sorta.

So there were plans, plans on talking about what worldbuilding is, why people build worlds, and the difference between a setting and a world. I have the notes, but as far as making them anything more than incoherent scribblings isn’t really possible at the moment. So instead I’ve decided to just give you a list of interesting links to guides and sites that I look at for a different perspective on worldbuilding, and its processes.

The first site that I go to is merely to see what others have done, the things that they construct, which in a way shows what their interests might be. Afterall a person that is interested in economics might decide to show the intracacies of their world’s economy, as so forth. This is the worldbuilding subreddit of, there is a lot of information tucked into it that runs the gambit of just about every field that one might want to cover in a constructed world.

The second is a worldbuilding video I’ve watched by Geoffrey Storm aka stiqula on youtube. At the moment it’s the only worldbuilding video up, hopefully he will have more.

Thirdly is a fellow wordpressian’s (is that a thing?) called Worldbuilding Workshop. Although it just started up, much like this humble site, I hope that more is added in the future for all to look at, as the first post itself (on continental structure within worldbuilding) is quite useful for someone using that method to build their continents.

Those are a few sites that I’ve visited to look at what others have done, and to get a little inspiration when I’m feeling like I’ve hit a wall.

Ah, Life… And some adjustments

Due to life things, I ended up not being able to really create a post for today, had plans but oh well. There is part of the update to the Rakari’s description. Additionally I’m waffling in using a hierarchy for the groups within a particular race/people. As it stands I’ll probably use ‘race’ to label the five major groups (Haedren, Daemon, Galdva, Rakari, and Paeruem) and ‘people’ for the different groups within that race (The Deep People of the Galdva, The Plains People of the Haedren, and so on).

On to the adjustments, first I’m removing the ‘General Post’ category/tag from many of the posts due thte fact that ‘General’ is probably better for posts such as these, where there really isn’t a post primarily for the Almanac or Sagas. Secondly starting on Monday I’m going to have a weekly column of sorts called ‘Monday’s Musings’ where I just sort of blabber about some topic that relates to Tellerias, storytelling, or worldbuilding. Although other things might also be thrown into the musings as well.

Updates to the History section and the start of the Cosmology section

Expaned on a couple of parts of the History section, ranging from The Eldritch Wars to The Birth of the Necessities and Aspects. I’m going to split the Religion section into its own section. Additionally, I’ll be adding the first parts of the Cosmology section, ranging from the all-encompassing Adagan to the Myriad Worlds, of which Tellerias is one of.

The Five Races and History sections are on their way

At the same time I wrote my first post, I also began work on the first section of the Almanac called The Five Races. This page details the five god born races of Tellerias, created during the period of time called The Era of Divinity. I’ll be doing more work on this page until the basic framework is done and the need for more specific pages arrive.

Additionally I will begin work on the history section of Tellerias. At the moment there won’t be specific dates associated with the different eras as I begin to pull that section together. So far the History section will have the Eldritch Era, the Era of Creation, The Catastrophe, and the Era of Divinity.

Finally, I’m going to start working on the Tellerian Sagas, a series of short stories that take place with the world of Tellerias. It will start with Mekarn Dethrian of the Haedren, with others showing up like Kordrath ‘Runefist’ of the Galdva, Teya ‘Gimmerdew’ of the Paeruem, and Focarum ‘Sandwalker’ of the Rakari. Just for information, the names that are in single-quotes are translated from the language of their race, something I’ll be working on as well (later of course).

The First Post

World-building, the act of creating a world, is interesting. From nothing, over a period of time, the imagination takes what was once a void and gives it form. A place is forged, a past is woven, and a future is dreamt of. Sure it is a place for a story, for many stories, but it is also so much more.

So my first post is now here, just a short thing, and a little saying that sprang to mind on a whim. My hope with this is just to arrange things and show the visitors a places that wasn’t here before. The plan is to update at least three times a week, perhaps a schedules of Mon-Wed-Fri. However at the beginning there may be more as the almanac is filled in. Additionally something I’ve decided to call The Tellerian Sagas will come around on the site as well. These stories will both help build the world of Tellerias and act as a framework for other things I’m getting around to…hopefully.